

1. Ethics involves the ___ a. study of society b. study of moral issuses and choices c. study of administration d. study of laww b 2. Value education is a process by which a. people gives moral value to each other, b. people quarrel with each other c. people provide education to each other d. people provide medical treatement to each other. a. 3. Reality implies that a. autocratic b. what we really are c. what where in imagination d. what we are in imagination ans: b 4. Educational institutions __ a. Plays a significant role in the degradation of value b. Plays a significant role in the promotion of value c. Plays a significant role in the demolition of value d. does not Plays a significant role in the the promotion of value ans: b 5. right understanding helps to a. to make worse relationship b. to improve relationship c. to demolish relationship d. none of these ans: b 6. unable to understand others lead to a. Good relationship b. happiness c. unhappiness d. good communication ans: c


 Expectations from the Students * Appreciating the importance * Listening rather than just hearing * Questioning one's own belief * Focusing on Meaning rather than Words * Avoid jumping to readymade solutions. Topics to be covered in this article 1.1 Need for Value Education 1.2 Basic Guidelines for value education 1.3 Content of value education 1.4 Process of value education      

Values in Indian Constitution

 v> Contact hours: 4 Basic structure, Justice, democracy, secularism, rule of law, Fundamental rights and duties.

Social responsibilities and human values

 v> : Contact hours: 4 Social and ethical responsibilities of Technologists, Roles of Engineers in industry, society, nation and the world, Codes of professional ethics, Whistle blowing and beyond.

Profession and Professionalism

Engineering profession: Professional Accountability, Roles of Software professional, Ethics and image of profession, Ethical issues for software professionals, Conflicts between business demands and professional ideals.

Energy Crisis

 v> Renewable Energy Resources, Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental Regulations, Environmental Ethics.

Effects of Technological Growth

Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome, Limits of growth, Sustainable development, Technology assessment impact analysis.