1. Ethics involves the ___
a. study of society
b. study of moral issuses and choices
c. study of administration
d. study of laww

2. Value education is a process by which
a. people gives moral value to each other,
b. people quarrel with each other
c. people provide education to each other
d. people provide medical treatement to each other.

3. Reality implies that
a. autocratic
b. what we really are
c. what where in imagination
d. what we are in imagination
ans: b

4. Educational institutions __
a. Plays a significant role in the degradation of value
b. Plays a significant role in the promotion of value
c. Plays a significant role in the demolition of value
d. does not Plays a significant role in the the promotion of value
ans: b

5. right understanding helps to
a. to make worse relationship
b. to improve relationship
c. to demolish relationship
d. none of these
ans: b

6. unable to understand others lead to
a. Good relationship
b. happiness
c. unhappiness
d. good communication
ans: c

7. Value that is related to the enjoyment of beauty
a. societal value
b. spiritual value
c. aesthetic value
d. material value
ans c

8. physical facilities for humans -
a. Is necessary but not complete
b. is necessary and complete
c. social
d. psychological
ans a

9. Physical facilities for animals -
a.  Is necessary but not complete
b.  Is necessary but not complete
c. social
d. phychological
ans: b

10. Value education can develop with in a person
a. character  
b. moral development
c. social development
d. all of these
ans: d

11. Value education provides
a. what is valuable for human sadness?
b. what is not valuable for human happiness?
c. What is essential for human sadness?
d. what is valuable for human happiness?
ans: d

12. Core human values are
a. love
b. peace
c. truth
d. all
ans: d

13. Self-exploration implies
a. self-satisfaction
b. self-verification
c. criticizing others
d. criticizing all
ans: b

14. Basis for all our thoughts behaviours and actions are
a. Justice
b. happines
c. value
d. all
ans: d

15. Value education should be applied
a. regionally
b. universally
c. by religion
d. largly value based
ans: b

16. happiness may be defined as being in
a. harmony/ synergy in the state / situation
b. ethical
c. dharma
d. niti
ans: a

17. Relationship with human beings and physical facilities with the rest of nature Emanates from
a. happy
b. right understanding in the self
c. logical
d. inlogical
ans: b

18. The program to fulfill baic human aspiration inculde
a. supplimentary
b. all the other ones under right understanding and relationships with humans
c. contradictory
d. none
ans: b

19. tHE Program to fulfill basic human aspirations inculde
a. prepare a list of everything you want in your life
b. underline all the physical and material things
c. both prepare a list of everything you want in your life and underline all the physical and material things
d. neither a nor b
ans: c

20. If physical facilities are provided to a person he is
a. complete
b. complete to some extend
c. logical
d. inlogical
ans b

21. Relationship consisted of
a. criticism
b. mutual fullfillment
c. disrespect
d. dishonor
ans: b

21 Relationship consisted of
B.Mutual fulfilment

22 Good relationship consisted of
Good understanding
Division of work

23 Happy relationship leads to
Ans: c

24 Wealth means and includes
Top to Bottom
Having money, or having a lot of physical facilities, or having both.
All of these
Ans: b

25 Indian ethos is the outcome of ……….. Way of life.
Ans: b

26 Indian life has ………….. Fundamental goals.

27 Fundamental theories of Indian Model include …………
Purushartha Theory
Panchakosas Theory
Theory of Gunas
All of these
Ans: d

28 The term ‘value’ is derived from the French word ……………
None of these.
Ans: a

29 Harmony in the family leads to harmony in the ______________.
Ans: a

30 One of the undesirable common habits with us is that we have a tendency to suspect others ________
Ans: a

31 Trust means believing ______________ intention, as we do in our own intention.
Ans: a

32 To establish Universal Human Order, the starting point has to be ______
Joint Family
Business Organisation.
None of these
Ans: a

33 _______, prosperity and co-existence are fundamental human value for comprehensive human value.
Ans: b

34 _____________ is the human value which is all-encompassing.
Ans: d

35 Self-exploration demands examination and ______________ of our beliefs again and again.
Ans: a

36 Ethics in compliance means……………. not cause harm ;
It is about obeying and adhering
It deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing
It deals with the duties of a company to ensure that products and production processes do
None of these
Ans: a

37 Which functional area in business  ethics is about obeying and adhering to rules and authority?
Ethics in compliance
Ethics in finance
Ethics in production
None of these
Ans: a

38  Which of the following is not a 'code of conduct'?
Code of ethics
Code of practices
Code of behaviour
Code of management
Ans: d

39 An expert who is confidentially available to solve the ethical dilemmas is known as……
Ethic coach
Ethics trainer
Ethics guide
None of these
Ans: a

40 A set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is member of a particular group is known as -
Code of ethics
None of these
Ans: a

41 The process where a person informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing
Whistle blowing
Ans: b

42  Behavior that does not confirm to generally social norms will be considered as:
Arrogant Behavior
Arbritary Behavior
Ethical Behavior
Unethical Behavior
Ans: d

43 Ethical and unethical behaviors are determined by
The individual
The culture
Both the individual and the culture
Neither the individual nor the culture
Ans: c

44 For stopping the unethical practices at society level ……… practice should be followed
Establishment of consumer associations
Consumer awareness programs to be stated
Publish journals on social issues
All of these
Ans: d

45 Which of the following is an assumption of rationality to rationale decision making?
Preferences are clear
Final choice will maximise payoff
The problem is clear and unambiguous
All of these
Ans: d

46  Making decisions on the basis of experience, feelings and accumulated judgement is called as _____
Decision making
Structured problems
Intuitive decision making
None of these
Ans: c

47  The emotional part of an attitude is called _______.
Affective component
Behavioural component
All of these
Ans: a

48  Which of the following is a disadvantage of social responsibility?
Possession of resources
Ethical obligation
Public image
Violation of profit maximization
Ans: d

49  A personality measure of the strength of a person's convictions is called _________.
Locus of control
Ego Strength
None of these
Ans: c

50 According to Kant’s approach to moral  philosophy, ethics is based on
the consequences of one’s action.
social contract.
practical reason.
Ans: a



51.  1. Human nature is _____
a. learned b. programmed
c. Inherited d. All of these

2. Which of the following is an example of a value.
a. Justice
b. happiness
c. security
d. all of these
Ans d

3. An individuals’ moral judgments about what is right or wrong are called:       
Belief systems.
Ethical values.
Cultural assumptions.
None of these
Ans: b

4. What is the origin of the word ethics?
Ans: d

5. Authority and responsibility are …………….to each other.       
Ans: Complementary

6. Holism means ………….   
All of these
Ans: Divinity

7. All definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility recognize that:   
companies have a responsibility for their impact on society and environment.
the natural environment should be the main focus of CSR activities.
business ethics is a complex issue.
companies must pay equal attention to business ethics and sustainability.
Ans: A

8. What is the main characteristic of the stakeholder approach?   
The idea that many different groups have a legitimate interest in the corporation
It is a critical perspective on corporations and business.
A focus on social and environmental responsibilities of a corporation.
The assumption that shareholders are not the main stakeholders in the corporation.
Ans: A

9. Which one of the following is not an ethical guideline?   
Developing respect for all life
Understanding how earth works
Considering humans as the predominant species
Seeking of environmental wisdom
ANS: b

10. What is the main reason environmental destruction?
Due to consumption of the poor
Due to consumption of the rich
Due to no consumption
Due to consumption in certain interval of times
Ans: b

11. Which one of the following is the major environmental issue?   
Use of resources
Use of economy
Ans: Use of resources

12. The common property of rural communities has increasingly been used to supply the needs of the ______________   
Water bodies
Ans: a

13. Atmospheric issues include all of the following except:   
acid rain
global warming
air pollution
water quantity
Ans: d

14. Sustainable development will not aim at:
 Social economic development which optimise the economic and societal benefits available in the present, without spoiling the likely potential for similar benefits in the future.
Reasonable and equitably distributed level of economic well-being that can be perpetuated continually.
Development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Maximising the present day benefits through increa
Ans: a


1 The development of sustainable development was expressed during the world commission environment and development in 1987, chaird by
a. gro harlem brundtland
b. murray bookchin
c. rees and wackernackej
d. john elkington

2 A whistle blower is an employee who
a. exposes organisational wrongdoing
b. complains a lot to company management
c. enages in un-ethical behavior
d. referees disputes with other employess

3 A sustainablility report is the key platform for communicating , _ and impacts whether positive or negative
a. sustainablility performance
b. Management decisions
c. Financial analysis
d. information

4 Food, space, disease, natural disasters, climate competition and predation are example of what?
a. capacity factors
b. limiting factors
c. Perdation factors
d. Sustainable factors

5 Adverse social impacts could be in the form of _
a. loss of land
b. loss of structure
c. loss of livelihood
d. all of these

6 carbon  footprints is used to determine the amount of offsets necessary by a business to sell their product as __ but is not used to determine carbon liability
a. carbon neutral
b. carbon dating
c. carbon cutting
d. carbon rating

7 Under which iso standard the guidance on social responsiblity was recognized?
a. iso 26000
b. iso 27000
c. iso 22000
d. iso 14000

8 Extraction of mineral and metal form the earth is
a. argiculture
b. transportation
c. mining
d. sustainable development

9 Electronic waste is the adverse effect of
a. Industry
b. Agriculture
c. Housing
d. Mining

10 This is an effect of transportation
a. Air emission
b. material consumption
c. solid waste generation
d. acid mine drainage

11 Nonrenewable energy resources include
a. coal
b. nuclear
c. oil
d. all of these

12 The five major renewable energy resources are
a. solar and wind
b. water (hydro)
c. Biomass and geothermal
d. all of these

13. solar energy can be used for making and functioning of
a. pressure cooker
b. solar cooker
c. rice cooker
d. none of these

14. Wind energy can be used to generate
a, food
b. fuel
c. hydro electricity
d. electricity

15. Fossil resource is a
a. renewable energy
b. non-renewable energy
c, electrical energy
d. None of these

16. Solar roottop can be used to generate
a. fuel
b. electricity
c. water
d. wind

17. Biomass can be defined as biomass is
a. all the natural material
b. biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms.
c. all the solar material
d. all the chemical material

18. Full form of TRIPS is
Trade related aspects of incorporeal property rights
Traffic related aspects of intellectual property rights
Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights
Trade related aspects of international property rights

19. Article 7 of the TRIPs agreement states that the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights should contribute
a. small scale
b. to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology
c. labour-intersive
d. all of these

20. Under article 66.2  of the TRIPS agreement, development country, it has been provided that members shall provide incentives to enterprises and institutions in their territories for the purpose of promoting and encouraging technology transfer
a. small scale
b. to least-development country members
c. labor intensive
d. cost-intensive


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